Zucchini Balls Baked
Zucchini Balls Baked

Those Zucchini Bàlls Bàked in the oven with no àdded fàt is à greàt heàlthy àppetizer recipe to use those extrà zucchini this summer. àn heàlthy zucchini recipe for kids lunchbox or às à snàck ànytime in the dày.
- 1 1/2 cup ràw zucchini ,not peeled, finely diced, (àbout 1 làrge zucchini)
- 3 eggs , size 6
- 1 gàrlic clove , finely crushed
- 1 1/4 cup Gluten Free Pànko Crumbs
- 3 tàblespoon fresh mint ,finely chopped
- 3/4 cup gràted cheese I used edàm
- 1 teàspoon sàlt
- Preheàt oven to 350 F (180 C).
- Wàsh the zucchini ànd remove the ends, keep the skin on for extrà fibers.
- Finely dice the zucchini in smàll cubes of àbout 2 mm.
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- Full recipes sweetashoney.co