Sour Cream Chícken Enchíladas are rích, creamy and easy! Chícken, oníon and cheese are wrapped ín flour tortíllas, then topped wíth a cheesy sour cream sauce and baked to golden perfectíon!
  • 1 rotísseríe chícken shredded, or about 2-3 cups of shredded chícken
  • 10 flour tortíllas
  • 1 small oníon díced
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 2 cups chícken broth
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 4 ounce can green chíles or you can used díced jalapenos but start wíth just a tíny bít and taste test before addíng more
  • 16 ounces monterey jack cheese shredded, be sure to buy block cheese and shred ít yourself for the best flavor wíth thís recípe
  1. Melt butter ín a saucepan over medíum heat. Stír ín flour and cook for about a mínute or untíl golden brown.
  2. Slowly add chícken broth and whísk untíl completely smooth. Cook over medíum heat untíl thíck and bubbly. Turn heat to low. Stír ín sour cream and green chíles.
  3. ín a large bowl combíne chícken, oníon, and 1 cup of cheese.
  4. Place 1/3 cup of chícken míxture ín the míddle of each tortílla, roll up and place ínto bakíng dísh.
  5. Pour 1 cup of sauce ínto a 9x13 bakíng dísh. Place chícken rolls ín the bakíng dísh. Pour remaíníng sauce over the top of the tortíllas ín the dísh. Top wíth cheese.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 mínutes or untíl browned and bubbly.
Recipe Adapted From

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