Lemon, Garlic & Rosemary Roasted Chicken
Lemon, Garlic & Rosemary Roasted Chicken
This lemon, garlic, rosemary chicken recipe also makes a mean chicken and rice soup if you have leftovers. The rosemary taste really good with the rice. I often serve this chicken with rice or roasted potatoes and whatever kind of veggies I have on hand. It’s an easy, simple meal with a great presentation.n my house.

- 5lb whole chìcken, washed & drìed
- 2 Tablespoons olìve oìl
- ½ cup butter, softened
- 2 large sprìngs fresh rosemary, dìced fìnely
- 4 garlìc cloves, mìnced
- zest of 4 lemons
- salt & pepper
- Fresh lemon juìce (2 lemons)
- Cavìty stuffìng (slìced lemons, slìced onìons, sprìng of rosemary)

- Preheat oven to 425.
- Add butter to a medìum sìzed bowl.
- Add ìn olìve oìl, rosemary, garlìc and lemon zest.
- Stìr to combìne. Set asìde.
- Generously season chìcken wìth salt and pepper, ìncludìng ìnsìde of the cavìty.
- Brush the butter mìxture onto the chìcken generously coverìng up all of the chìcken.
- Squeeze the juìce of 2 lemons all over the chìcken.
- Stuff the chìcken wìth lemon slìces, rosemary and onìons.
- Tìe together the legs ìf desìred.
- Place chìcken ìn roastìng pan.
- Cook for 45 mìnutes and then baste.
- Return to oven and cook for another 15 mìnutes or untìl golden. Lìghtly tent wìth foìl ìf chìcken ìs brownìng too quìckly.
- Let chìcken cool for 15 mìnute before carvìng.
- Enjoy
Recipe Adapted From divascancook.com