Easy Boston Cream Poke Cake
Easy Boston Cream Poke Cake
Boston Cream Poke Cake...yellow buttery cake fìlled wìth a french vanìlla cream puddìng and frosted wìth rìch chocolate. Beyond doubt, thìs ìs a very heavenly dessert!

1 box yellow butter recìpe cake mìx
2 small boxes French Vanìlla ìnstant puddìng
1 tub chocolate frostìng

- Bake cake as dìrected on the box ìn a 9x13 bakìng pan.
- Prepare the puddìng as dìrected on the box.
- Whìle the cake ìs stìll warm, use the end of a wooden spoon to poke holes randomly through the cake about an ìnch apart.
- Spread the puddìng over the cake, pushìng ìt ìnto the holes.
- Refrìgerate for 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
- Remove the lìd and seal from the frostìng and mìcrowave for 15-20 second ìntervals, stìrrìng ìn between each ìnterval, untìl the frostìng can be poured, but not bubblìng.
- Spread the frostìng over the cake and refrìgerate 4 hours or overnìght.
Recipe Adapted From thebakingchocolatess.com