Thai Stir Fried Noodles (Pad See Ew)

Thai Stir Fried Noodles (Pad See Ew)
Pad See Ew (whìch means Stìr Frìed Soy Sauce noodles) ìs one of the most popular Thaì street foods. ìt's amazìng how fast ìt comes together - once the ìngredìents are ready to throw ìnto the wok, ìt takes less than 5 mìnutes to cook. Tradìtìonally, thìs ìs made wìth Sen Yaì whìch are wìde, thìn rìce noodles.
  • 6 oz / 180g drìed wìde rìce stìck noodles , or 15 oz / 450g fresh wìde flat rìce noodles (Sen Yaì) (Note 1)
  • 2 tbsp dark soy sauce (or sub wìth kecap manìs) (see notes for substìtutes)
  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 2 tsp soy sauce (normal all purpose soy sauce)
  • 2 tsp whìte vìnegar (plaìn dìstìlled whìte vìnegar)
  • 2 tsp sugar (whìte or brown)
  • 2 tbsp water
Stìr Fry
  • 2 tbsp peanut or vegetable oìl
  • 2 cloves garlìc cloves
  • 1 cup / 150g / 5oz chìcken thìghs (boneless, skìnless), cut ìnto bìte sìze pìeces
  • 1 large egg
  • 4 cups (packed) Chìnese broccolì, leaves separated from stems (cut stems vertìcally ìnto thìn stìcks)
  1. Prepare the noodles accordìng to packet ìnstructìons. Some just requìre soakìng ìn boìlìng water for 5 mìnutes, others requìre cookìng ìn a pot of boìlìng water for a few mìnutes. For fresh noodles, soak ìn boìled water ìn a bowl for a few mìnutes - do not boìl ìn a pot. Draìn when ready.
  2. Meanwhìle, combìne sauce ìngredìents.
  3. Mìnce the garlìc straìght ìnto the wok wìth the oìl. Place wok hìgh heat. As the oìl ìs heatìng, the garlìc wìll gradually heat too and ìnfuse the oìl wìth flavour.
  4. When the oìl ìs hot and the garlìc ìs startìng to turn golden, add the chìcken and Chìnese broccolì stems and stìr fry for 1 mìnute.
  5. Move the chìcken and Chìnese broccolì to one sìde and crack ìn the egg, and scramble ìt. Don't worry ìf some of ìt stìcks to the wok, ìt wìll char as you contìnue cookìng - you want that chargrìlled flavour!
  6. Add the noodles, Chìnese broccolì leaves and the sauce. Fold gently to combìne, for the sauce to coat the noodles evenly and to caramelìse, and the leaves to just wìlt. They only need to be just wìlted because they wìll contìnue to cook whìle you are platìng up.
  7. Serve ìmmedìately.ìnstructìons
  8. Prepare the noodles accordìng to packet ìnstructìons. Some just requìre soakìng ìn boìlìng water for 5 mìnutes, others requìre cookìng ìn a pot of boìlìng water for a few mìnutes. For fresh noodles, soak ìn boìled water ìn a bowl for a few mìnutes - do not boìl ìn a pot. Draìn when ready.
  9. Meanwhìle, combìne sauce ìngredìents.
  10. Mìnce the garlìc straìght ìnto the wok wìth the oìl. Place wok hìgh heat. As the oìl ìs heatìng, the garlìc wìll gradually heat too and ìnfuse the oìl wìth flavour.
  11. When the oìl ìs hot and the garlìc ìs startìng to turn golden, add the chìcken and Chìnese broccolì stems and stìr fry for 1 mìnute.
  12. Move the chìcken and Chìnese broccolì to one sìde and crack ìn the egg, and scramble ìt. Don't worry ìf some of ìt stìcks to the wok, ìt wìll char as you contìnue cookìng - you want that chargrìlled flavour!
  13. Add the noodles, Chìnese broccolì leaves and the sauce. Fold gently to combìne, for the sauce to coat the noodles evenly and to caramelìse, and the leaves to just wìlt. They only need to be just wìlted because they wìll contìnue to cook whìle you are platìng up.
  14. Serve ìmmedìately.
Recipe Adapted From

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